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Who I Am

Lisa M Stowell, DC

Somewhat artistically and unique to Texas ~ Dr. Stowell ~ who has been recognized by the ACC RAC (American Chiropractic Collages Research Agenda Conferance) with her first ever published, peer reviewed case report on correcting pigen-toe with chiropractic methods alone ~ provides EXTREMELY GENTLE, COMPLETE and PERSONALIZED, Holistic Chiropractic care functional/integrated wellness services to the greater Austin, Texas area.  Utilizing both structural and functional methods, her 100% hands on (other than pelvic blocks if necessary) extremely gentle and highly effective method ~ SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) ~ is seldom taught in this area of the US.  Dr. Stowell resumes her practice of more than 27 years as a Holistic Doctor of Chiropractic and Holistic Wellness Coach. She has practiced in Southern California, Costa Rica and Singapore ~ which have given her an all encompassing insight on human science  which she now looks forward to serving the greater Austin, Texas area for the duration of her career at Sol Healing and Wellness Center.  Dr. Stowell also utilizes NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique)NSA (Network Spinal Analysis),  Low Force and very Gentle Diversified Techniques to complete her optimal wellness sessions for you.


Welcome to Optimal Health

   Chiropractic ~




**Pigeon Toe Correction**

Decompression / Herniated Disc Correction

Neck and back pain


TMJ & Cranial disorders

Rotator Cuff strain/sprain


Vertigo & Tinnitus


~ And so much more ~ 


Nutrition ~




~ Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food ~ 

~ Hippocrates ~ 


Post/Long Covid issues

Loose weight

Diabetes Reversal

Cleanse/Detox/Boost Immunity

Balance hormones


Emotional Eating Disorders


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Complete Wellness Care

The creation of a whole that is greater

than the sum

of all its parts.

The Care You Deserve

~ Holistic ~
~ Home Health Coaching ~



Interpersonal Relationships

Specializing in Stroke Rehabilitation

Balance Daily Living Activities

Spiritual Enlightenment

Career Goals / Finances

Yoga / Fitness / Holistic Health 


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More on Dr. Lisa M Stowell, DC

Dr. Stowell's patient base throughout the years has ranged from very young infants to the elderly in their 90's. Much of Dr. Stowell's patient base has grown primarily from referrals ~ since she believes adamantly in chiropractic, nutrition, regular exercise such as yoga, aerobic movement and recreational activities and Spiritual and emotional growth ~ all of which she has also practiced for over 30 years.  We look forward to helping you attain your ultimate synergized wellness being. 

Natural vs Perscription/Injection/Surgery

 Optimal Holistic health is all about utilizing natural choices to allow the body to heal itself ~ it can only do this when natural elements such as gentle spinal realignment, proper dietary habits, herbs and other Earth~made (not man made) choices are added to compliment and rebuild the body ~ synergistically of course. Chiropractic aims to circumvent intrusive treatments such as cortisone and other injections as well as surgeries ~ which typically do not address the main cause of dis-ease/discomfort. 

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           ~ DC Education ~

Many people are unaware that DC's (Doctors of chiropractic) have a similar, yet more holistically & synergisticaly focused ~ academic back round compared to MD's (Medical doctors) ~ Both are considered primary health care providers.

Contact Me

Synergy is described as all parts working together as a whole in a greater force than each seperately combined.  This is what I offer for optimal holistic health, homeostasis & well being.  Come experience what true Holistic Wellness care really is and feel the difference. No "rack 'em & crack 'em" chiropractic visits here! 

The Perfect Vegan Sandwich


  Luna House at Sol Healing and Wellness Center                                          13805 Ann Place, Austin, Texas  78728                                                                                        **** NO SOLICITORS PLEASE!! ****      

Please call or text for an appointment ~ (361) 774-9196 

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 Hours of Opperation

Monday ~  10am - 6pm

Tuesday ~ out of the office

Wednesday ~ 10:00am - 6:30pm

Thursday ~ 10am - 6pm

​​Friday ~ our of the office 

Saturday ~ By special appointment

 Closed Sunday

MISSED or RESCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS w/o 24 hr notice are subject to a $75 out of pocket fee.  




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                             (361) 774-9196  ~  13805 Ann Pl, Austin, TX 78728
                                    Located in Luna House at Sol Healing and Wellness Center                                 

©2017 by Synergized Health ~ Holistic Wellness. Proudly created with

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