Personalized Nutrition
Nutritional Counseling
Food First ~ Dr. Stowells approach to nutritional healing starts with proper diet, as opposed to "nutritional supplements" which are often the course taken by most Nutritionists.
Dr. Stowell realizes that most people's diet fall short of offering proper nutritional support, furthermore she is well versed in guiding her patients on how to make very small yet extremely remarkable changes in your diet.
Utilizing synergistic protocols of proper health, Dr. Stowell addresses such conditions as diabetes https://www.diabetesresearch.org/Leading-the-world-to-a-cure-for-diabetes?gclid=Cj0KEQjwt6fHBRDtm9O8xPPHq4gBEiQAdxotvJw_6StnUlCydbweRiaRbG4zLhphS2WDUg2MjFqocnIaAlQn8P8HAQ ,fibromyalgia http://www.fibromyalgiahope.com/fibromyalgia-nutrition.html,
even depression and other ailments seen in our society linked to lack of proper nutrition.